Saturday, November 20, 2010

This is the first post of the blog. A blog worth every minute of this Saturday evening. Joe's Average Archive is a compilation of current interests, projects, and articles(reviews, editorials, etc.) That cycle through my head. Mainly, however, it is for me to express my opinions on the aforementioned subjects. The broad list of topics I will chew through, are as follows: Literature, Films, Sports, Video games, Music, Public Icons, Technology, History, Religion, Politics, and(my favorite) Food. I don't expect too many readers(If any) and the likely readers that stumble upon this page will have probably accidentally entered the wrong URL, come to put a virus on this page(is that possible?), or maybe they are secret agents claiming that I have exposed a huge government cover-up(too many Harrison Ford movies). To the readers who don't fall under those categories, thank you for reading and thank you for not being a secret agent planning on sniping me through an open window(Why didn't I purchase a house with less windows?!). 

Sincerely, Guiseppe