Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Let's Talk

Today's topic is something near and dear to my heart, video games. Let me first explain my infatuation with video games. I see video games as more than just something to kill the time with. I see them as the most interactive form of self-expression that a man is currently capable of doing. I see them as great bridges for kids to actually get interested in education. But most importantly, they're a defining role in the generation of tomorrow. So why is it that some people will never see video games as art? It's because the games that are being made are not games of artistic qualities. They're much more like "virtual board games" than an artistic experience. Don't get me wrong, I could dish out $60 for a Call of Duty game every year but where will you find anything beyond the excuse of a "cinematic experience"? That's the big excuse, that they're tying to compete with the film industry. Until developers stop caring about the financial value and start putting forth the time, effort, and creativity needed to make an artistic experience, than we'll be stuck in a never-ending pit of rehashed game mechanics, plot declinations, and another collapse in such a thriving industry.

Part 2 of this discussion will come next week.